Voorschoten Toddlers – a place for dads too!

Voorschoten Toddlers Group would like to extend a warm welcome, not just to moms (who are the backbone of our organisation for over 20 years), but also to the many Voorschoten and Leiden dads.

If you want to meet other parents and have a quiet cup of tea/ coffee with other new dads, then come join our group on Tuesday morning.

And, of course, we also love to meet grandmas and grandpas, who are babysitting on Tuesday mornings and need a little break, a cup of tea, and a moment to socialise, while the little ones play with our toys, close by.

Everyone is welcome at the Voorschoten Toddlers Group!

Children at Voorschoten Toddlers
Voorschoten Toddlers Group by Danika Marquis. (C) – All rights reserved.

Toddlers Group now on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

For September 2022, Voorschoten Toddlers’ Group will be held on both Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30 – 11:30 at the Voorschoten 97 Kantine.

This is part of an effort to attract new parents to the group. If you know of any parents in Leiden, Voorschoten or the surrounding areas, who could benefit from a cup of tea or coffee, while their children play safely together, please share the news!

Voorschoten Toddlers Group Opens 1 September 2020

We’re pleased to announce that the Voorschoten Toddler’s Group will reopen on Tuesday, 1 September 2020 from 9.30 – 11.30am.

We hope you and your kids will join us for coffee, crafts and lots of fun!

To help keep everyone safe, we’ve updated a few of our regulations:

  • Updates:
    • Entrance: please follow the Voorschoten’97 signs when entering and leaving (the former entrance is now the exit!)
    • Payment: costs are still 4 euros for 1 child + parent, with 1 euro for every additional child over the age of 9-months.
    • Payment options: you can pay per time or pay in advance either in cash or directly into the Toddlers account. Email Danika for details if you want to transfer money or prefer a tikkie.
    • Fruit and drinks: to ensure that we comply with health and safety during these times, fruit and juice are available to kids, but will only be out for 15-20 minutes (rather than for the full time), shortly after 10am. Parents are asked to disinfect their hands with sanitiser or wetwipes before using the dishing-up spoons.
    • Coffee: we will be making coffee still and will place coloured ribbons on our mugs so that they are easier to keep track of. However, parents are encouraged to bring their own mugs (and kids cups) if they want to be extra careful.  
    • Distance: parents, please keep an appropriate distance from each other. There is enough space for us to do so, even though our kids are not going to.
    •  Hygiene: all the toys have been cleaned already, and we are busy cleaning the carpets. Wetwipes and hand sanitizer are available. For parents of little nippers: please help us keep items clean, but wiping off toys, if your kids suck them (once they are finished playing with them obviously).
    • Crafts: we have several fun but basic crafts planned in the weeks ahead (stamps, stickers, playdoh, etc.). However, if any parents wants to regularly (even if it is once a month) volunteer to lead crafts, we’d be very grateful.